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Internet security
Definitions for common terms and phrases related to security threats, vulnerabilities, and technology.
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Internet security
Internet; Internet security
A term for spammers who create a large number of blogs with links to a spam site. Because the links are included in a large number of blogs, they have high search-engine rankings. Splogs are ...
Internet; Internet security
To use the defects found in software code or function on a system to elevate privileges, execute code remotely, cause denial of service, or prompt other attacks. A buffer overflow is one example of ...
Warhol worm
Internet; Internet security
The concept that a computer virus could spread around the world in less than 15 minutes. It is based on Andy Warhol's idea that every individual will have 15 minutes of fame in their life.
32-bit file allocation table (FAT32)
Internet; Internet security
An extension to the FAT system and caters to large discs and long file names.
Internet; Internet security
The isolation of files that are suspected of containing a virus, spam, suspicious content, or PUPs. Quarantined files cannot be opened or executed.
Password stealer
Internet; Internet security
Also known as PWS, a type of Trojan used specifically to steal a user's password.
Internet; Internet security
A group of hackers that grew out of an anarchic message board on the website 4Chan. The loosely organised group of "hacktivists," which typically aligns itself with liberal causes, has brought down ...