Category: Languages
Created by: AlasVerdes
Number of Blossarys: 3
English (EN)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Spanish (ES)
Indonesian (ID)
Slovenian (SL)
Catalan (CA)
Estonian (ET)
Danish (DA)
1) Of, relating to, or affecting the right and left sides of the body or the right and left members of paired organs. 2) Having bilateral symmetry.
Adult basic education or ABE may refer to continuing education or literacy courses geared toward mature or nontraditional learners who are honing basic/elementary-level skills in reading, writing and math.
La educación básica para adultos (o ABE) refiere a cursos o servicios de educación continua que ayudan a estudiantes no tradicionales que quieren desarrollar destrezas básicas. Clases de ABE incluyen materias fundamentales cómo la redacción, la lectura y las matemáticas.
A building, location or consulate in a foreign country where an ambassador represents his or her country of origin by facilitating diplomacy.
Según del diccionario de la Real Academia Española, una embajada es tanto la residencia como la oficina del embajador, un oficial diplomático que representa el gobierno de su patria en un país extranjero.
According to Merriam-Webster, when "press" appears in a journalistic context it refers to "news reporters, publishers, and broadcasters." However, the verb "press" means to push, squeeze, force or apply pressure. A "press" is a printing machine.
La prensa refiere a un cuerpo de periodistas y reporteros que publican o emiten sus reportes por medio de fuentes de noticias como periódicos, sitios web, el radio o la televisión.
A journalist is a reporter, correspondent or writer for a newspaper, magazine, online publication or other news source."Journalist" may derive from the French "jour" (day) suggesting a daily log.
Un periodista lleva a cabo entrevistas. Escribe, edita, emita y/o publica artículos y reportes por medio de fuentes como periódicos, sitios web, el radio o la televisión.
A freelance writer is a self-employed journalist, editor or author who works independently and is not under contract with a specific publication. "Freelance" was originally two words, "free" and "lance", which references independent workers and the weapons they used.
Un periodista “freelance” es un escritor o reportero independiente que trabaja de manera autónoma, generalmente sin un contrato.
According to, copyright is "the legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell a book, musical recording, etc., for a certain period of time."
Copyright refiere a la propiedad intelectual, los derechos de un autor o un artista, o la registración legal de una obra (Recursos: y