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iPhonokiaberry people

Culture; People

The age of people who can not imagine their life without iGadgets, iPhones, Web Browsers, Social networks or internet. This ...

ally espionage

Politics; International politics

This term refers to the event on spying of the United States on its ally.

facebook flasher

Internet; Social media

Defines a person who is eager to tell everyone about all good things, all positive events and all positive energy which happen in ...


Tools; Paint brush

A made up word meaning pen from a book called Frindle written for children. Frindle is based on a 1996 children's novel written ...


Psychology; Feelings and states

The realigination is imagining what we want to reach until it becomes a reality. The concept is present in the psychology and ...


Financial services; Financial instruments

A passive investment strategy, which automatically creates a hedge that helps limit losses without constant supervision. This ...


Language; Slang

Can means in slang bathroom we say :" Do you know where the can is?" in common language we use "bathroom" instead of "can" .


Internet; Social media

"Human fidelity": a system of connecting to people around you in public places when the internet is not accessible by wi-fi ...


Language; Slang

While this might mean to make a shrill cry, or to laugh or talk in a shrill manner, or even the act of a large group of women in ...


Sports; Multiple sports

This is the name given to runners on asphalt and other surfaces, traveling around the world to participate in races and ...

bulgarian-hungarian online dictionary

Education; Special education

This is a free possibility for searching any kind of Bulgarian and Hungarian (it works in both directions)words, expressions and ...


Parenting; Child care

This term comes from the combination of two words: pollinator + player. Just like bees fly from flower to flower in a frantic ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

Languages evolve over time, changing and growing with society’s needs. No other time in human history has seen such profound and rapid language development.

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