Home > Blossary: Hot Drinks
Hi everyone! Would you like hot drinks to warm your self when it is cold outside? Or you prefer to drink it when you fill thirsty during the hot summer day? I want to introduce you a list of hot drinks that will save you from cold, fresh you in hot weather or just help you to make an impression on your partner during the date.

Category: Food

5 Terms

Created by: Bagar

Number of Blossarys: 64

My Terms
Collected Terms

Cafe con Leche is Spanish coffee with sophisticated name and simple filling. This is Italian coffee with milk and sugar. Very similar to latte.

Domain: Beverages; Category: Coffee

Кафе Кон Лече є іспанська кави з витонченими ім'я і простий наповнення. Це Італійська кава з молоком і цукром. Дуже схожий на латте.

Domain: Beverages; Category: Coffee

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