Home > Blossary: Historical Terms


293 Terms

Created by: melisa

Number of Blossarys: 2

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Collected Terms

8 Ve 7 yüzyıllarda BC Güney Rusya'ya Orta Asya'dan göç eden bir göçebe insanlar aslen İranlı stokunun üyesi.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Member of a nomadic people originally of Iranian stock who migrated from Central Asia to Southern Russia in the 8th and 7th centuries BC.

Domain: History; Category: World history

559 M.Ö. 530 M.Ö. yılında karar verdi. Ahameniş Hanedanı altında Pers imparatorluğunun kurucusu oldu.

Domain: History; Category: World history

He ruled from 559 BC until his death in 530 BC. He was the founder of the Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Taochi eski Urartular için Diauehi (Diauhi, Daiaeni) bilinen insanlar vardı ve antik çağda Anadolu kuzeydoğu kesiminde yaşadılar. Xenophon göre Ermeniler kendilerini derlerdi.

Domain: History; Category: World history

The Taochi were the people known formerly to the Urartians as Diauehi (Diauhi, Daiaeni) and they lived in Northeastern part of Anatolia in ancient times. According to Xenophon they called themselves ...

Domain: History; Category: World history

У середньовіччі, загальний термін серед християн Європи для мусульман, ворожих до хрестоносців.

Domain: History; Category: World history

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