Home > Blossary: Human Trafficking


63 Terms

Created by: Maria Pia

Number of Blossarys: 5

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A person who is presumed to be a victim of trafficking but who has not been formally identified by the relevant authorities or has declined to be formally or legally identified (also referred to as ...

Domain: Law enforcement; Category: Human trafficking

Because trafficked persons are often initially unable or reluctant to identify themselves as such, the term “presumed” trafficked person (or presumed victim) is generally used to describe persons who ...

Domain: Law enforcement; Category: Human trafficking

means the economic exploitation of another person on the basis of an actual relationship of dependency or coercion, in combiantion with a serious and far-reaching deprivation of fundamental civil ...

Domain: Law enforcement; Category: Human trafficking

An individual identified before being exploited who shows strong signs of being in the trafficking process. This differs from a presumed victim, the definition for which appears below (also referred ...

Domain: Law enforcement; Category: Human trafficking

The act of procuring clients for a sex worker/prostitute and/or living off the earnings of a sex worker/prostitute or brothel.

Domain: Law enforcement; Category: Human trafficking

defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject); an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or idirectly, in particular by ...

Domain: Law enforcement; Category: Human trafficking

Any person (minor or adult) who has not beentrafficked but, given her/his profile or the appearance of certain indicators, faces a greater possibility of being trafficked in the future.

Domain: Law enforcement; Category: Human trafficking

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