British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Industry: Broadcasting & receiving
Number of terms: 5074
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
The largest broadcasting organisation in the world.
Industry:Natural environment
Fertilisers are given to plants to promote growth. They can be naturally occurring compounds (such as peat) or they can be manufactured - either through natural processes (such as composting) or chemical processes. Fertilisers commonly contain nitrogen, and the use of such fertilisers emits the potent greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N20). Using animal manure as fertiliser, though organic, releases another potent greenhouse gas, methane into the atmosphere.
Industry:Natural environment
Geothermal energy is energy from the inner core of the earth where molten rock heats the water just below the surface of the earth, or from the sun's energy trapped just below the earth's surface. This energy, hot water or steam can then be distributed to heat buildings. It is the reason we have natural spas. This natural heat has been used to heat buildings and water supplies since Roman times. See also ground source heat pump.
Industry:Natural environment
不,在此实例,俱乐部汽车爱好者,但各成员在很短的时间内,提供汽车租赁机构通常为较短的时间 (如一小时或两个。
Industry:Natural environment
Industry:Natural environment
车池-或电梯分享-是减少 CO2 排放量私人交通工具,尤其是通勤旅行,分享旅途的方法。在朋友和同事之间或越来越多地通过专用网站它可以非正式地安排。其目的是要与更多的人,每年的道路上有私家车的减少。
Industry:Natural environment
太阳能热水器使用太阳的能量直接加热液体,入热水缸美联储,意思你锅炉有较少的工作要做 (并需要较少的能源) 要你到所需温度的热水。
Industry:Natural environment
碳是宇宙和碳化合物中的第四次最常见化学元素-碳化学与其他元素组合-换句话说,是地球上所有已知生命形式的基础。纯碳出现在许多显然不同的形式,从金刚石微粉的石墨对木炭,但它更多常见的物质,如煤、 石油、 天然气、 木材和泥煤,我们使用的燃料。当我们烧掉这些物质提供能源-或者直接在我们的家园作为热,或者在发电站发电-燃烧过程中产生 '' 碳氧化合物,包括 CO2 气体。。
Industry:Natural environment
Industry:Natural environment
碳捕获、 固碳或 CCS (碳捕获和储存) 所有的术语来描述相对较新的技术,旨在让主要生产者的 CO2 排放,如燃烧矿物燃料发电站,防止他们创建被释放到大气中的 CO2。相反它存储被注入到地下或海底的地质构造。一些 CCS 技术已在运作中其他国家规模有限,但它的使用还不普遍。
Industry:Natural environment