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Includes the principles as well as the system of documenting and summarizing business and financial transactions and analyzing, verifying, and reporting the results.

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Accounting >


Biology; Genetics

Having a single set of chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell. Mosses, and many protists and fungi, are haploid, as are some insects, bryophytes, and the gametes of all ...


Sports; Bicycle & electric bicycle

to rotate the pedals without actually applying power.


Energy; Coal

Any tool or instrument used to measure air velocity.

tax straddle

Financial services; General Finance

Technique used in futures and options trading to create tax benefits. For example, an investor with a capital gain takes a position creating an artificial offsetting loss in the ...

Andromeda I

Astronomy; General astronomy

Dwarf spheroidal galaxy in the Andromeda subgroup of the Local Group. It is among the intrinsically faintest members of the Local Group.


Biology; Genetics

Peg-like structure unique to the Prymnesiophyta

analogue TV

Entertainment; TV

Analog television encodes television picture and sound information and transmits it as an analog signal (one in which the message conveyed by the broadcast signal is a function of ...
