Home > Industry/Domain > Agricultural chemicals

Agricultural chemicals

Includes chemicals designed for agricultural use for protection of crops from fungus and insects, as well as for the growth and protection of plants.

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Geography; Capitals

capital of Belarus

mezzanine financing

Financial services; Venture capital

Late-stage venture capital, usually the final round of financing prior to an IPO. Mezzanine Financing is for a company expecting to go public usually within 6 to 12 months, ...

beta scission

Software; Analysis software

A beta scission reaction is a chemical reaction where the main feature is the scission of a bond beta (connected to an adjacent atom) to the atom bearing a radical. A unimolecular ...


Sports; Baseball

A pitch that curves as it gets close to the batter. The pitcher puts rotation on the ball to make it curve.

straight punch

Sports; Boxing

This is a punch that is thrown straight out in front of the boxer. Jabs are short straight punches. A straight punch is usually aimed at the head of the opponent. They can also be ...

cold water method

Beverages; Coffee

A brewing method where the ground coffee is soaked in a proportionally small amount of cold water for ten to twenty hours and then separated by the drip method. The resulting very ...



(abbreviation) adult respiratory distress syndrome
