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Art history

Record of past mediums or works of art throughout history.

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Sports; Archery

The Riser is another name for the handle. Risers are made of material, usually aluminum allows, which is both lightweight and strong. The riser joins the limbs together and it is ...


Sports; Baseball

One player can be substituted for another player but the player who is taken out of the game is not allowed to return.

waitlisted (WL)

Aviation; Airport

Flight booked and passenger put on a priority standby basis.

most active list

Financial services; General Finance

The stocks with the highest volume of trading on a certain day.


Entertainment; Music

The time unit of a piece of music, to give rhythm.

Variable Ratio Write

Financial services; General Finance

An option strategy in which the investor owns 100 shares of the underlying security and writes two call options against it, each option having a different striking price.



a turn sharper than 90 degrees. Switchbacks are found mainly on hills that are too steep to be ascended (or descended) using a direct path.
