Home > Industry/Domain > Biotechnology
Also known as 'Biotech' , it is the use of micro-organisms and biological substances to perform specific industrial or manufacturing procedures.
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Summary plan description (SPD)
Financial services; General Finance
A document that explains the fundamental features of an employer's defined benefit or defined contribution plan, including eligibility requirements, contribution formulas, vesting ...
semistrong-form efficiency
Financial services; General Finance
A form of pricing efficiency that profits the price of a security fully reflects all public information (including, but not limited to, historical price and trading patterns). ...
Astronomy; General astronomy
the light produced by excited atoms and ions in the upper atmosphere of a planet
seed money
Financial services; General Finance
The first contribution by a venture capitalist toward the financing of a new business, often using a loan or purchase of convertible bonds or preferred stock. See: Mezzanine level ...
spot rate curve
Financial services; General Finance
The graphical depiction of the relationship between the spot rates and maturity.
aurora australis
Astronomy; General astronomy
an aurora ocurring in the southern hemisphere of the Earth