Home > Industry/Domain > Biotechnology
Also known as 'Biotech' , it is the use of micro-organisms and biological substances to perform specific industrial or manufacturing procedures.
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swingline facility
Financial services; General Finance
Bank borrowing facility to provide finance while the firm replaces US commercial paper with eurocommercial paper.
aurora borealis
Astronomy; General astronomy
an aurora ocurring in the northern hemisphere of the Earth
crash rash
Sports; Bicycle & electric bicycle
any skin abrasion resulting from a fall. Also called road rash.
Pastry Cloth
Kitchen & dining; Cooking tools
Made of canvas, a pastry cloth is used to roll out pastry. When well floured, it minimizes sticking.
select ten portfolio
Financial services; General Finance
A unit investment trust that buys and holds for one year the ten stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average with the highest dividend yields.
Dairy products; Cheese
Danbo is one of the most popular Danish cheeses. It is a rectangular cheese with smooth, dry, yellow rind and sometimes is covered in red wax. The cheese has a pale, elastic ...
3-kpc arm
Astronomy; General astronomy
A component of the Sagittarius arm with noncircular gas motions. It is seen in absorption against Sgr A with a velocity of -53 km s-1, implying that at least part of the arm is ...