Contributors in Computer
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interference fringes
Astronomy; Mars
The alternate light and dark bands that are seen when two beams of homogenous light enter into interference with each other, i. E. , when they overlap and illuminate an identical ...
working control
Financial services; General Finance
Control of a corporation by a shareholder or shareholders having less than 51% voting interest because of the wide dispersion of share ownership.
overwriting virus
Software; Anti virus
A form of file virus which overwrites the original file completely, leaving only the malicious code. These files cannot be disinfected and must be deleted.
two-fund separation theorem
Financial services; General Finance
The theoretical result that all investors will hold a combination of the risk-free asset and the market portfolio.
carbon dioxide
Astronomy; Mars
A gas used by all green plants and recycled by them to form wood and the oxygen we breathe. In very large quantities it can be poisonous to animal life.