Home > Industry/Domain > Festivals
An event, usually staged by a local community, which usually focusses on and celebrates a unique aspect, custom or tradition of that community.
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wanted for cash
Financial services; General Finance
A statement displayed on market tickers indicating that a bidder will pay cash for same-day settlement of a block of a specified security.
war babies
Financial services; General Finance
Slang term for the stocks and bonds of corporations in the defense industry.
war chest
Financial services; General Finance
Cash kept aside for a takeover or for defense against a takeover bid.
War Risk Insurance
Financial services; General Finance
Separate insurance coverage against loss or damage due to acts of war (including objects left over from previous wars).
warehouse receipt
Financial services; General Finance
Evidence that a firm owns goods stored in a warehouse.
Financial services; General Finance
The interim holding period from the time of the closing of a loan to its subsequent marketing to capital market investors.
Financial services; General Finance
A security entitling the holder to buy a proportionate amount of stock at some specified future date at a specified price, usually one higher than current market price. Warrants ...