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Fruits & vegetables
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fuel flexible
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
Ability of a vehicle to operate on either (a) a wide range of fuels blends (e.g., blends of gasoline and alcohol) or (b) two different fuels carried aboard the vehicle (e.g., ...
Sports; Baseball
This happens when a fielder who, while not in possession of the ball and not in the act of fielding the ball, obstructs the progress of any runner. If a fielder is about to ...
high grown
Beverages; Coffee
Arabica coffees grown at altitudes over 2,000 feet (often higher) are generally superior to coffees grown at lower altitudes. Additionally, the term high-grown is used in many ...
sell-side analyst
Financial services; General Finance
A financial analyst who works for a brokerage firm and whose recommendations are passed on to the brokerage firm's customers. Also called a Wall Street analyst.