Home > Industry/Domain > Gambling
The activity or practice of betting or playing a game of chance for money or other stakes. Gambling activities include horse racing, slot machines, boxing, playing-card and dice games, cockfighting, recreational billiards and darts, bingo, lottery, and many others.
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cheque guarantee
Retail; Others
A service that guarantees a customer's payment by check for a specified amount. Point of sale merchants must typically follow standard check authorization procedures.
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
Raw material supplied for production of electricity, gases, or chemicals.
Haitian coffee
Beverages; Coffee
The best coffees from Haiti are low-acid, medium-bodied, and rich in flavor.
Viennese roast
Beverages; Coffee
A light dark roast, darker than American Roast, considered the most common specialty roast.
mixed foursome
Sports; Golf
A team with a male and female golfer, they play the same ball and play alternating shots.