Home > Industry/Domain > Garden
Anything related to the activity of attending to one's garden or the objects, animals,plants and shrubs found therein.
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break line
Energy; Coal
A line above which the roof of a coal mine is expected to break. It follows the rear edge of the pillars.
bump (or burst)
Energy; Coal
An intense energy release by the rock around the working or face area that is caused by stress.
vernal equinox
Astronomy; Mars
The position on the celestial sphere occupied by the sun on or about march 21 when its path on the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator going from south to north. This point is ...
Plants; Flowers
A plant that produces seeds, which are not enclosed; includes any seed plant that does not produce flowers.
wire house
Financial services; General Finance
A firm operating a private wire to its own branch offices or to other firms, commission houses, or brokerage houses.