Home > Industry/Domain > Horticulture
The science or art of cultivating fruit, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants.
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vision statement
Business services; Human resources
A written statement of what the organization's aims are for the future.
unlimited marital deduction
Financial services; General Finance
An Internal Revenue Service provision that allows an individual to transfer an unlimited amount of assets to a spouse, during life or at death, without incurring federal estate or ...
Sports; Bicycle & electric bicycle
the point where the riders reverse direction on an out-and-back time trial course.
treasury stock
Financial services; General Finance
Common stock that has been repurchased by the company and held in the company's treasury.
taxable municipal bond
Financial services; General Finance
Taxed private-purpose bonds issued by the state or local government to finance prohibited projects such as sports stadiums.
Aldebaran (alpha Tau, HR 1457)
Astronomy; General astronomy
A K5 III subgiant (a foreground star in the Hyades). It has a faint M2 V companion. It is now known to be slowly and irregularly variable.