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Human rights
Fundamental and universal rights and freedoms to which all human beings are entitled. They consist of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that States are obliged to fully respect according to common standards ratified by national and international legislation.
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black damp
Energy; Coal
Term used for when there's an area with low oxygen levels and too much nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide or water vapor. In mining, this creates a deadly situation where ...
speculative-grade bond
Financial services; General Finance
Bond rated Ba or lower by Moody's, or BB or lower by S&P, or an unrated bond.
Astronomy; General astronomy
The center of mass of a system of bodies, such as the solar system. When a comet, for example, is well outside the orbit of Neptune (the farthest major planet), it sees the sun ...
Stainless Steel
Kitchen & dining; Cooking tools
One of the two principal metals used in cookware, extremely durable, smooth and scratch-resistant.
supermajority amendment
Financial services; General Finance
Often used in risk arbitrage. Corporate amendment requiring that a substantial majority (usually 67% to 90%) of stockholders approve important transactions, such as mergers.
Astronomy; General astronomy
Angular distance measured clockwise around the observer's horizon in units of degrees; astronomers usually take north to be 0 degrees, east to be 90 degrees, south to be 180 ...
even-aged stand
Biology; Ecology
A homogenous group of trees in one area which are also evenly-aged.