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Human rights
Fundamental and universal rights and freedoms to which all human beings are entitled. They consist of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that States are obliged to fully respect according to common standards ratified by national and international legislation.
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Sports; Bicycle & electric bicycle
to shift to a lower gear, i.e. a larger cog or smaller chainring.
Porcelain Enamel
Kitchen & dining; Cooking tools
A glassy material which bonds to metal at a very high temperature producing a glossy coating.
Financial services; General Finance
Purchasing risky investments that present the possibility of large profits, but also pose a higher-than-average possibility of loss. A profitable strategy over the long term if ...
Sports; Bicycle & electric bicycle
riding closely behind another rider to take advantage of the windbreak (slipstream) and use about 20 percent less energy. Also called sitting in or wheelsucking.
belt conveyor
Energy; Coal
A mechanical device on which a looped belt carries materials through or out of the mine.