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Human rights

Fundamental and universal rights and freedoms to which all human beings are entitled. They consist of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that States are obliged to fully respect according to common standards ratified by national and international legislation.

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turgor pressure

Plants; Flowers

Force exerted outward on a cell wall by the water contained in the cell. This force gives the plant rigidity, and may help to keep it erect.

vegetative growth

Plants; Flowers

Growth of a plant by division of cells, without sexual reproduction.


Biology; Flowers

The arrangement and pattern of veins in a leaf.


Plants; Flowers

An arrangement of appendages, such as branches or leaves, such that all are equally spaced around the stem at the same point, much like the spokes of a wheel or the ribs of an ...


Plants; Flowers

Water-conducting tissue of vascular plants.

adventitious roots

Plants; Flowers

A root that grows from somewhere other than the primary root, for example, roots that arise from stems or leaves.

alternation of generations

Plants; Flowers

Life cycle in which haploid and diploid generations alternate with each other.
