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An strong emotional affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection.
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Entertainment; TV
The amount of detail that can be seen in a broadcast image. For television, resolution is measured in horizontal lines displayed (commonly 480, 720, or 1080).
x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
Analytical technique in which information about the surface of a specimen is obtained by studying the spectrum of photoelectrons emitted from the surface when it is bombarded by ...
yaw angle
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
The angle of rotation of a body about a vertical axis with respect to the flow stream direction.
ape hangers
Automotive; Motorcycles
Elevated handlebars raising the rider's hands above the shoulders.
Ape Hangers
Automotive; Motorcycles
Elevated handlebars raising the rider's hands above the shoulders.
atmospheric inlet valve
Automotive; Motorcycles
The falling of the pistons activates the opening of inlet valves by causing a vacuum. Usually found in the early single cylinder Harleys.