Home > Industry/Domain > Mining
Of or pertaining to the process or business of extracting materials, such as ore or minerals, from the earth's crust.
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Entertainment; TV
National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The President's principal adviser on telecommunications and information policy issues.
Energy; Hydroelectric
The pipe used to direct water flow towards turbine and into powerhouse.
Entertainment; TV
National Television Systems Committee. This is the name of the current analog transmission standard used in the U.S., which the committee created in 1953.
Energy; Hydroelectric
When air bubbles pass through turbine, damage can be done to the blades, resulting in capacity and efficiency loss. Cavitation describes the vibrations or noise heard as the air ...
native resolution
Entertainment; TV
Specific resolution that a TV set — whether integrated or not — or a monitor, is designed to display. All other resolutions must be either up-converted or down-converted for ...
Alternating current
Energy; Hydroelectric
Also known as AC, this electric current changes direction multiple times within a second.
NTSC tuner
Entertainment; TV
A device built in to a TV set that allows reception of analog broadcasting.