Home > Industry/Domain > Mining
Of or pertaining to the process or business of extracting materials, such as ore or minerals, from the earth's crust.
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civilian unemployment rate
Financial services; Venture capital
Calculated by the number of unemployed people divided by the total size of the labor force and expressed as a percentage. The labor force is defined as people who are either ...
synchronisation (Sync)
Consumer electronics; Video camera
When synchronized, the horizontal and vertical timing of a camera output are locked to an external signal coming, for example, from another camera. Picture outputs from both ...
sudden death
Sports; Soccer
a type of overtime where the first goal scored by a team ends the game and gives that team the victory; most overtime in soccer is not sudden death.
cooperative fuel research engine
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
A standardized single-cylinder, overhead valve, variable-compression ratio engine used throughout the world for basic research into exhaust emissions and the suitability of ...