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Network hardware
Related to any equipment that facilitates the use of a computer network.
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Network hardware > 
Software; Software development
a software application that enables you to browse the Internet
old course
Sports; Golf
This is the course at St. Andrews, in Scotland where the British Open is played.
variance forecasting
Business services; Human resources
Considering company employee demand and availablity to determine whether the organization will have the ablility to meet its future manpower needs.
Sports; Bicycle & electric bicycle
to elevate the front wheel and ride on the rear wheel only. The opposite is called a nose wheelie.
Tax Reform Act of 1984
Financial services; General Finance
Legislation enacted as part of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 to reduce the federal budget deficit. Among its provisions are a decrease in the minimum holding period for assets ...
teaser rate
Financial services; General Finance
A low initial interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage to entice borrowers, that is later eliminated and replaced by a market-level rate.