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The processing of used materials or waste into new products to prevent the waste of potentially useful waste material, reduce consumption of fresh material, as well as reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution.

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Plants; Flowers

In cycads, a scale-like modified leaf which protects the developing true leaves.


Plants; Flowers

A small column of tissue which runs up through the center of a spore capsule. It is present in hornworts, mosses, and some rhyniophytes.

compound leaves

Plants; Flowers

Leaves with two or more leaflets attached to a single leaf stem.


Biology; Flowers

The "seed leaves" produced by the embryo of a seed plant that serve to absorb nutrients packaged in the seed, until the seedling is able to produce its first true leaves and ...


Plants; Flowers

A cell or part of a cell which assists in dispersing spores. The elaters change shape as they lose or acquire water, and they will then push against surrounding spores.


Plants; Flowers

Synonym for the Plantae, as here defined. It includes all green photosynthetic organisms which begin the development of the sporophyte generation within the archegonium.


Plants; Flowers

Flaps of tissue such as those found on psilophytes.
