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The study of societies and how they are shaped by people. It also concerns itself with how society affects the behavior of the individuals that are part of them.
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Sports; Bicycle & electric bicycle
a mass-start race covering numerous laps of a course that is normally about one mile or less in length.
Energy; Coal
In mining, it's the process by which a wall is created, or left intact, to protect sections of the mine from gas, fire and explosions.
Financial services; General Finance
A dealer doing business with retail but concentrating more on acquiring and financing its own speculative positions.
4-kpc arm
Astronomy; General astronomy
A component of the Sagittarius arm with noncircular gas motions.
Sports; Bicycle & electric bicycle
a fall or winter event contested mostly or entirely off pavement. Courses include obstacles, steps, and steep hills that force riders to dismount and run with their bikes.
Pizza Wheel
Kitchen & dining; Cooking tools
A pizza wheel is a round metal wheel attached to a handle. It can be rolled across pizza to cut it.
Super Majority
Financial services; General Finance
A proposal requiring more than a simple majority of the votes eligible to be cast at an annual or special meeting. A super majority is often a 2/3 (66.66%) vote, but it can be as ...