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Of or pertaining to any organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity or game requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means within a specified set of rules.

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Automotive; Vehicle equipment

Material that allows some, but not all, of the components in a mixture to pass through it.


Sports; Baseball

After a pitcher has thrown a pitch and the catcher has thrown it back to the pitcher, runners must retouch the base they are on. If they don't and then advance to another base the ...


Sports; Shooting

This is a description of the shooting stations give to shooters and also the amount of time they have been give.


Beverages; Coffee

A class of distinguished coffees from Venezuela.


Sports; Golf

When a golfer pulls the ball it moves in an inward direction. This is not the same as a hook or draw because a pull is not caused by spin.

uncollectible account

Financial services; General Finance

An account which cannot be collected by a company because the customer is not able to pay or is unwilling to pay.

US Treasury note

Financial services; General Finance

US government debt with a maturity of one to 10 years.
