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Wireless technologies
Terms about devices, software or other technology that transfer information between two or more points that are not physically connected.
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Astronomy; General astronomy
The angular distance from the observer's horizon, usually taken to be that horizon that is unobstructed by natural or artificial features (such as mountains or buildings), ...
Steam Driven
Kitchen & dining; Cooking tools
An entry-level espresso machine. Water must first come to a boil before being forced through the grinds. Makes four shots of espresso at a time; then the machine must cool before ...
supervisory board
Financial services; General Finance
The board of directors that represents stakeholders in the governance of the corporation.

black hole
Astronomy; Galaxy
A black hole is the circular dark space that sits at the center of a galaxy which absorbs everything including light so nothing can be reflected or escaped from it. Around a black ...
Round Spoon
Kitchen & dining; Cooking tools
A stainless steel spoon with rounded base to help in lifting off gravy or other moist preparations.
super sinker bond
Financial services; General Finance
Usually a home financing bond, but also any other bond that has long-term coupons but short maturity; the mortgages may be prepaid, and the holders may receive the long-term yield ...