Home > Industry/Domain > Alternative therapy > Acupuncture
Of or related to a medical procedure involving the piercing of the skin at very specific points on the body using thin, sharp needles; thought to adjust the pattern of the body's energy flow.
Industry: Alternative therapy
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Physician acupuncturist
Alternative therapy; Acupuncture
Physician Acupuncturist is one who has acquired specialised knowledge and experience related to the integration of acupuncture within a biomedicine practice.
Alternative therapy; Acupuncture
Moxibustion refers to heat stimulation and the use of the herb Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort) which is burned over the acupuncture site for purposes of warming.
Medical acupuncture
Alternative therapy; Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a medical discipline that integrates traditional and modern acupuncture techniques into contemporary biomedical practice.
Staple puncture
Alternative therapy; Acupuncture
Staple puncture is the application of a metal staple to an acupuncture point where it remains for a prolonged period of time.
Intramuscular stimulation
Alternative therapy; Acupuncture
Intramuscular stimulation is a technique of applying needles to areas of tenderness.
Laser acupuncture
Alternative therapy; Acupuncture
Laser acupuncture directs and stimulates a laser beam directed at the acupuncture site.
Electro acupuncture
Alternative therapy; Acupuncture
A special acupuncture practise whereby a minimal electric current is administered to certain meridian points. Electro acupuncture can be performed with or without needles.