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Agricultural programs & laws

Of or pertaining to laws, political programs or schemes related to agriculture.

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Agricultural programs & laws

Farm ownership (FO) loans

Agriculture; Agricultural programs & laws

Subtitle A of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, as amended, authorises the Farm Service Agency (formerly FmHA) to make direct and guaranteed farm ownership loans to eligible family ...

Fair market value (FMV)

Agriculture; Agricultural programs & laws

The amount in cash, or on terms reasonably equivalent to cash, for which in all probability something might be sold by a knowledgeable owner to a knowledgeable purchaser. Several federal statutes ...

Fallow cropland

Agriculture; Agricultural programs & laws

Cropland left idle during the growing season, sometimes called summer fallow. It may be tilled or sprayed to control weeds and conserve moisture in the soil. The amount of cultivated summer fallow ...

Family farm

Agriculture; Agricultural programs & laws

As defined by USDA regulations, a farm that (1) produces agricultural commodities for sale in such quantities so as to be recognised in the community as a farm and not a rural residence; (2) produces ...

Farm Credit Act of 1971

Agriculture; Agricultural programs & laws

This Act is P.L. 92-181 (December 10, 1971) which recodified all previous acts governing the Farm Credit System (FCS, or System), a cooperatively owned government sponsored enterprise that provides ...

Farm Credit Administration (FCA)

Agriculture; Agricultural programs & laws

The independent federal regulator responsible for examining and insuring the safety and soundness of all Farm Credit System institutions. The FCA is governed by a 3-member, Presidentially-appointed ...

Farm Credit Banks

Agriculture; Agricultural programs & laws

Institutions within the Farm Credit System (FCS) that make direct long-term agricultural loans secured by farm real estate through Federal Land Bank Associations. They provide wholesale loan funds to ...

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