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Air force
An branch of the military establishment that is responsible for aerial warfare as distinct from an army, navy or other branch. Typically, air forces are responsible for gaining control of the air, carrying out strategic and tactical bombing missions and providing support to surface forces.
Industry: Military
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Air force
Effects-based approach to operations (EBAO)
Military; Air force
Operations that are planned, executed, assessed and adapted to influence or change system behaviour or capabilities in order to achieve desired outcomes. Sometimes colloquially but incorrectly ...
Force development
Military; Air force
A series of experiences and challenges, combined with education and training opportunities, that is directed at producing Airmen who possess the requisite skills, knowledge, experience, and ...
Electronic warfare operations (EW Ops)
Military; Air force
The integrated planning, employment, and assessment of military capabilities to achieve desired effects across the electromagnetic domain in support of operational objectives.
Emerging target
Military; Air force
A potential target, which, upon initial detection, meets sufficient criteria to be considered and further developed. The criticality and time sensitivity of the potential target is initially ...
Military; Air force
Actions, such as operations, targeting, or strategy, that are designed to produce distinctive and desired effects while avoiding unintended or undesired effects.