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Air force
An branch of the military establishment that is responsible for aerial warfare as distinct from an army, navy or other branch. Typically, air forces are responsible for gaining control of the air, carrying out strategic and tactical bombing missions and providing support to surface forces.
Industry: Military
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Air force
Military; Air force
Actions taken in response to cleaning up a contaminated site to mitigate effects of environmental contamination on human health and safety, the environment, or the mission. Remediation actions can ...
Security assistance team
Military; Air force
For purposes of Air Force Foreign Internal defence doctrine, any team temporarily deployed by the United States Air Force to a recipient country to perform security assistance duties in behalf of the ...
Security measures
Military; Air force
The means to protect and defend information and information systems. Security measures include operations security and information assurance.
Military; Air force
Returning assets—particularly repairable parts—from the area of operations to their source of repair.
Unintended effect
Military; Air force
An outcome of an action (whether positive or negative) that is not part of the commander's original intent.
Military; Air force
The process of determining the quantity of a specific type of lethal or nonlethal weapons required to achieve a specific level of damage to a given target, considering target vulnerability, weapons ...