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Air force
An branch of the military establishment that is responsible for aerial warfare as distinct from an army, navy or other branch. Typically, air forces are responsible for gaining control of the air, carrying out strategic and tactical bombing missions and providing support to surface forces.
Industry: Military
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Air force
Joint force commander (JFC)
Military; Air force
A general term applied to a combatant commander, subunified commander, or joint task force commander authorised to exercise combatant command (command authority) or operational control over a joint ...
Joint personnel recovery centre (JPRC)
Military; Air force
A primary joint personnel recovery (PR) node. The centre is suitably staffed by supervisory personnel and equipped for planning, coordinating, and executing joint PR within the geographical area ...
Military; Air force
The art and science of influencing and directing people to accomplish the assigned mission.
Procedural identification
Military; Air force
Identification is based on adherence to airspace control measures and rules. Identification is assumed to be friendly as long as rules are followed, but identification is assumed hostile if rules are ...