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Air pollution
Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulates or biological materials into the atmosphere which cause damage to the natural environment and have adverse health affects on organisms.
Industry: Pollution control
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Air pollution
Organic compounds
Pollution control; Air pollution
A large group of chemical compounds containing mainly carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. All living organisms are made up of organic compounds.
Acute health effect
Pollution control; Air pollution
A health effect that occurs over a relatively short period of time (e.g., minutes or hours). The term is used to describe brief exposures and effects which appear promptly after exposure.
California Ambient Air Quality Standard (CAAQS)
Pollution control; Air pollution
A legal limit that specifies the maximum level and time of exposure in the outdoor air for a given air pollutant and which is protective of human health and public welfare (Health and Safety Code ...
Multimedia exposure
Pollution control; Air pollution
Exposure to a toxic substance from multiple pathways such as air, water, soil, food, and breast milk.
Maximum achievable control technology (MACT)
Pollution control; Air pollution
Federal emissions limitations based on the best demonstrated control technology or practises in similar sources to be applied to major sources emitting one or more federal hazardous air pollutants. ...
Transfer efficiency
Pollution control; Air pollution
For coatings, a measure of the percent of the total amount of coating used which is transferred to a unit surface by a spray gun or other device.
Total organic gases (TOG)
Pollution control; Air pollution
Gaseous organic compounds, including reactive organic gases and the relatively unreactive organic gases such as methane.