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Air pollution
Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulates or biological materials into the atmosphere which cause damage to the natural environment and have adverse health affects on organisms.
Industry: Pollution control
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Air pollution
Pollution control; Air pollution
An emissions control device that removes VOCs from a gas stream as a result of the gas attaching (adsorbing) onto a solid matrix such as activated carbon.
Integrated sampling device
Pollution control; Air pollution
An air sampling device that allows estimation of air quality components over a period of time through laboratory analysis of the sampler's medium. (See also Continuous Sampling Device. )
Fuel cell
Pollution control; Air pollution
An electrochemical cell which captures the electrical energy of a chemical reaction between fuels such as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen and converts it directly and continuously into the energy ...
Positive crankcase ventilation (PCV)
Pollution control; Air pollution
An emission control system for a reciprocating internal combustion engine that involves recirculating gases that blow by the piston rings during combustion from the crankcase back into the intake ...
Feference dose (RfD)
Pollution control; Air pollution
An estimate delivered by the U. S. EPA (with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of the daily exposure to the human population, (including sensitive subpopulations) that is likely to ...
Gas turbine
Pollution control; Air pollution
An engine that uses a compressor to draw air into the engine and compress it. Fuel is added to the air and combusted in a combustor. Hot combustion gases exiting the engine turn a turbine which also ...
Internal combustion engine
Pollution control; Air pollution
An engine in which both the heat energy and the ensuing mechanical energy are produced inside the engine. Includes gas turbines, spark ignition gas, and compression ignition diesel engines.