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Air traffic control

An in-airport service that facilitates the safe and orderly movement of aircrafts within and between airports, achieved by interpreting data from radar and weather devices, and by maintaining contact with pilots.

Contributors in Air traffic control

Air traffic control

Flight test

Aviation; Air traffic control

(1) A flight conducted to evaluate an applicant for a pilot licence or rating. (2) ICAO and U.S.: Expression for: test flight

Lateral separation

Aviation; Air traffic control

Separation between aircraft at the same altitude expressed in terms of distance or angular displacement between tracks.

Feeder route

Aviation; Air traffic control

A route depicted on instrument approach charts to designate routes for aircraft to proceed from the en route structure to a point on the instrument approach procedure (IAP).

Local traffic

Aviation; Air traffic control

Aircraft operating in the aerodrome traffic circuit or within sight of the control tower, aircraft known to be departing for or arriving from flight in local practise areas, or aircraft executing ...

Longitudinal separation

Aviation; Air traffic control

Separation between aircraft at the same altitude, expressed in units of time or distance along track.

Military training route (MTR)

Aviation; Air traffic control

An airspace of defined dimensions (a) that is established for the conduct of military training flights; (b) within which IFR or VFR aircraft may operate; and (c) that may be established in ...

Final approach course

Aviation; Air traffic control

A bearing/radial/track of an instrument approach leading to a runway or an extended runway centreline, all without regard to distance.

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