Contributors in Aluminum
Embossed tube
Metals; Aluminum
A tube the outside surface of which has been roll-embossed with a design in relief regularly repeated in a longitudinal direction.
Grease streak
Metals; Aluminum
A narrow discontinuous streak caused by rolling over an area containing grossly excessive lubricant drippage.
Grinding streak
Metals; Aluminum
A streak with a helical pattern appearance transferred to a rolled product from a work roll.
Dirt streak
Metals; Aluminum
Surface discoloration which may vary from grey to black, is parallel to the direction of rolling, and contains rolled in foreign debris. It is usually extraneous material from an overhead location ...
Diffusion streak
Metals; Aluminum
Surface discoloration which may vary from grey to brown and found only on Alclad products.
Bright streak
Metals; Aluminum
A bright superficial band or elongated mark which produces a non-uniform surface appearance.