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American history
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American history
Protestant Reformation
History; American history
A religious reform movement formally begun in 1517 when the German friar Martin Luther openly attacked abuses of Roman Catholic doctrine. Luther contended that the people could read scripture for ...
History; American history
The ban of the production, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The Eighteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, adopted in 1919, established prohibition. The amendment was repealed in ...
Open Door Note
History; American history
Policy set forth in 1899 by Secretary of State John Hay preventing further partitioning of China by European powers, and protecting the principle of free trade.
Old Lights
History; American history
As the Great Awakening spread during the 1730s and 1740s, various religious groups fractured into two camps, sometimes known as the Old Lights and the New Lights. The Old Lights were not very ...
Oil Crisis
History; American history
Oil supply disruptions and soaring oil prices that the United States experienced in 1973 and 1979. In 1973, Middle Eastern nations imposed an embargo on oil shipments to punish the West for ...
History; American history
The doctrine, devised by John C. Calhoun, that a state has the power to nullify a federal legislation within its borders.
Permanent Immigrants
History; American history
Immigrants coming to America to settle permanently, often due to ethnic and religious persecution at home.