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American history
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American history
Macon's Bill No.
History; American history
2 An attempt to stop British and French interference with American trade.
Manhattan Project
History; American history
The secret government programme to develop an atomic bomb during World War II.
Malcolm X
History; American history
Spokesman for the Nation of Islam, a black religious and political organisation that advocated black owned businesses and castigated "white devils. " He achieved notoriety as a public speaker and ...
Loose Interpretation
History; American history
The view that the national government has the power to create agencies or enact statutes to fulfil the powers granted by the U. S. Constitution.
Little Rock Crisis
History; American history
Conflict in 1957 when governor Orval Faubus sent the Arkansas National Guard to prevent the racial integration of Little Rock's Central High School. After a crucial delay, President Eisenhower ...
Lend Lease Act
History; American history
The programme by which the United States provided arms and supplies to the Allies in World War II before joining the fighting.
League of Nations
History; American history
Point Fourteen of Wilson's Fourteen Points, the proposal to establish an international organisation to guarantee the territorial integrity of independent nations.