Home > Industry/Domain > Consumer electronics > Amplifier
Any electronic device designed to inrease the volume of sound.
Industry: Consumer electronics
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Consumer electronics; Amplifier
An alloy of aluminum, nickel, and cobalt (instead of ceramic) which used to be commonly used in vintage speakers.
Class B1
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
Class B operation where grid current does not flow for any portion of the input cycle.
Class B2
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
Class B operation where grid current flows for some portion of the input cycle.
Common cathode
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
The "standard" tube circuit where the cathode is connected to the "common" point on the circuit, usually ground, and usually through a resistor, which is often bypassed with a capacitor, placing it ...
Common grid
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
A tube stage which has the grid connected to the "common" point on the circuit, usually ground. This doesn't have to be a physical DC connection, it can be an AC ground, i.e. grounded through a ...
Common plate
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
A tube stage which has the plate connected to the "common" point on the circuit, usually ground This doesn't have to be a physical DC connection, it can be an AC ground, i.e. grounded through a ...
Concertina phase splitter
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
The name given to the single-tube phase inverter in which the in-phase signal is taken off the cathode and the out-of-phase signal is taken off the plate, with equal-value plate and cathode ...