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Contributors in Animals



Animals; Animals

The blind mole rat (Spalax typhlus), native of Eastern Europe and asia. Its eyes and ears are rudimentary, and its fur is soft and brownish, more or less tinged with gray. It constructs extensive ...


Animals; Animals

A cross between a male horse and a female zebra.


Animals; Animals

Extinct doglike marsupial of Tasmania. The modern thylacine first appeared about 4 million years ago.

Tucu tucu

Animals; Animals

It's a rat-like burrowing South American rodent.


Animals; Animals

Any of various bloodsucking dipterous flies of the family Tabanidae, which includes the horseflies.

Aplacental viviparity

Animals; Animals

Aplacental viviparity (which used to be called ovoviviparity) is when animals hatch from eggs, but the eggs hatch and the babies develop inside the female's body. There is no placenta to nourish the ...


Animals; Animals

A memeber in the family of ibises and spoonbills (Threskiornithidae), the '''spoonbill''', ''Platalea leucorodia'', of Eurasia, smaller than the stork, breeds in southern, rarely in central and ...

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