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Arms control

The international restrictions on the development, production, stockpiling, proliferation, and usage of weapons, especially weapons of mass destruction. Arms control is usually exercised through international treaties and agreements that impose arms limitations among consenting parties.

Contributors in Arms control

Arms control

Arms control implementation unit (ACIU)

Military; Arms control

Defence Threat Reduction Agency On-Site Inspection Directorate unit, located within United States embassies in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine, designed to aid U.S. inspection teams during ...

Assessment/assistance/advance team (AT)

Military; Arms control

Group of individuals who travel to a site prior to inspection in order to help that particular facility prepare for inspection by a foreign inspection team.


Military; Arms control

Any equipment which detects, and may indicate and/or record objects and activities, by means of energy or particles emitted, reflected, or modified by objects. Under the Treaty on Open Skies, ...


Military; Arms control

Monitoring by the inspected State Party of vehicles exiting the perimeter during a challenge inspection under the Chemical Weapons Convention. Must begin no later than 12 hours after the arrival of ...

Sensor resolution

Military; Arms control

Under the Treaty on Open Skies, a sensor's ability to collect useful data depends upon the permitted ground resolution. Sensors are subject to specified sensor ground resolution limits. Ground ...

Site assessment

Military; Arms control

Process conducted by an external or internal team, to assess the potential risk of possible disclosure of national security, proprietary, or other sensitive information during arms control ...

Sensor cover

Military; Arms control

Devices placed over Open Skies aircraft sensors to ensure that no unauthorised sensor operations are conducted. The covers are removed just prior to beginning observation flights.

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