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Arms control

The international restrictions on the development, production, stockpiling, proliferation, and usage of weapons, especially weapons of mass destruction. Arms control is usually exercised through international treaties and agreements that impose arms limitations among consenting parties.

Contributors in Arms control

Arms control

Inspection team (IT)

Military; Arms control

Group assembled for the purpose of conducting an on-site visit to make observations and obtain data and information contributing to treaty compliance evaluations.

Inspection notification

Military; Arms control

Communication to the State Party to be inspected of a treaty partner's or treaty organization's intent to conduct an inspection.

Inspection report

Military; Arms control

Factual findings or results from an inspection. Required in all treaties, but differs according to each.

Inspection plan

Military; Arms control

Plan initially prepared by the inspection team after arrival at the site for the conduct of its inspection.


Military; Arms control

Body of inspectors assigned to carry out verification under an arms control treaty or agreement.

United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC)

Military; Arms control

Commission established pursuant to United Nations Security Council resolution 1284 of December 17, 1999, to replace and undertake the responsibilities mandated to the United Nations Special ...

Transportable operational planning system (TOPS)

Military; Arms control

A portable computer used by Open Skies escort personnel to copy the foreign observers' proposed mission plan and transit, via modem, to the Passive Overflight Module team at the defence Threat ...

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