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Atmospheric chemistry

A scientific study of the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere and that of other planets.

Contributors in Atmospheric chemistry

Atmospheric chemistry

Enhanced greenhouse effect

Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

Increasing the concentration of the trace gases in the air that absorb thermal infrared light, i.e. greenhouse gases, will result in more infrared light redirected to the earth causing an increase in ...

Anthropogenic forcing

Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

Influence exerted on a habitat or chemical environment by humans. This obliquely refers to the idea of managed environment as opposed to a wild or non-disturbed environment. The variability of ...


Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

It is an aromatic hydrocarbon occurs naturally at low levels in crude oil and is usually produced in the processes of making gasoline via catalytic reforming. It is a clear, water-insoluble liquid ...

Liquid petroleum gas (LPG)

Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

A mixture of short hydrocarbons with most of the volume being propane and butane. LPG is considered an alternative fuel that burns cleaner than gasoline because of the very short hydrocarbon chains ...

Humic matter

Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

It is part of humus, and is a mixture of amorphous, polydispersed colloidal, yellow to brown-black organic substances. They are hydrophilic, and high in molecular weights, which range from a few ...

Knudsen number

Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

A unitless number describing the mean free path length of a particle relative to some characteristic length, often the diameter of the particle. The application of this measurement is applied to the ...


Chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry

Instrument designed in the 1930's to be carried into upper atmosphere via balloon to measure temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure; radio transmission is the means of returning data to ...

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