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Of or relating to any vehicle, usually designed to carry passengers, that operates on ordinary roads and typically has four wheels and a gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engine.
Industry: Automotive
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Polyvinyl chloride
Automotive; Automobile
Thermoplastic for covering electrical leads and other uses. Abbreviated to PVC.
Pop rivet
Automotive; Automobile
Alloy fastener inserted in a hole of suitable diameter, then expanded in an action that breaks off its stem.
Automotive; Automobile
Plastic suitable for many applications, including high impact panels.
Automotive; Automobile
Thermosetting plastic that can be moulded at low pressures, and is often combined with glass fibres to strong, complicated shapes.
Power curve
Automotive; Automobile
Engineering diagram that plots the output and torque developed throughout the engine's speed range.
Power output
Automotive; Automobile
Power delivered at the flywheel, usually expressed in kiloWatts or horsepower.
Power assistance
Automotive; Automobile
Hydraulic, air or electrical device to reduce the physical effort a driver need apply when operating a control.