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Automotive paint
Automotive paint and auto body works.
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Automotive paint
Fish eye eliminator
Automotive; Automotive paint
Additive used in paint to prevent the occurrence of fish eyes in a freshly painted surface. Sometimes referred to as FEE.
Automotive; Automotive paint
Characteristics of some pigments to separate from solution and migrate to the surface of pain film while still wet.
Flex agent
Automotive; Automotive paint
Material added to paint for additional flexibility, usually used for rubber or plastic flexible parts.
Automotive; Automotive paint
The act of using abrasive paper to rub and smooth a panel or painted surface or the addition of a "flattening agent" to the paint in order to remove the gloss in the finished coat.
Automotive; Automotive paint
A gloss finish which dries slowly by evaporation of the solvent.
Dust free
Automotive; Automotive paint
Condition when a paint film has dried enough that it will no longer allow dust to penetrate and stick to the finish. Also know as "Out of Dust".
Automotive; Automotive paint
The flexibility of the paint film, much needed on plastics and fiberglass.