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Automotive paint
Automotive paint and auto body works.
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Automotive paint
Automotive; Automotive paint
Similar to acrylic enamels, but using urethane resins. Urethane has most of the desirable features of acrylic enamel but with enhanced durability, although they generally dry slower.
Automotive; Automotive paint
The liquid portion of a paint composed mainly of solvents, resins, or oils.
Automotive; Automotive paint
The volatile part of paint composition that evaporates during drying.
Spot priming
Automotive; Automotive paint
A method for protecting localised spots. The only areas primed are those that require additional protection due to rusting or peeling of the former coat.
Paint remover
Automotive; Automotive paint
A compound that softens old Paint or varnish and permits scraping off the loosened material.
Automotive; Automotive paint
Detachment of a dried paint film in relatively large pieces, usually caused by moisture or grease under the painted surface.
Automotive; Automotive paint
The portion of a paint left after the solvent evaporates; sometimes called the solids content.