Contributors in Ballroom
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Dance; Ballroom
A body position seen in Paso Doble and occasionally Tango, where the weight is split between the feet, but favouring the front foot. The front leg is bent with the foot arched high on the ball, while ...
Pressed forward walk
Dance; Ballroom
A type of Latin Walk whereby the weight is placed onto the ball of the foot with knee bent. The heel is usually lowered and knee straightened before the next step is taken.
Professional dancer
Dance; Ballroom
A person who seeks financial gain from the teaching or performing of dancing.
Progressive rotation
Dance; Ballroom
Movement which is both progressive and rotational in nature. Examples of progressive rotation are Pivots, Chainé Turns, and the Viennese Left Cross Turn.
Dance; Ballroom
Extension of the body position, posture, movement, energy and volume to a performance level.