Home > Industry/Domain > Animals > Birds


Any feathered vertebrate.

Contributors in Birds



Animals; Birds

The chin is the general area of the face just below the bill. The bird's chin does not protrude like a human's chin and therefore is less prominent.


Animals; Birds

Birds do not have two separate cavities for excrement and reproduction like humans do. In birds, there is one entrance/exit that suits both functions. It is also called anus or vent.


Animals; Birds

The bird cheek is in the same location as the human cheek, between the lore, eye, auricular and the lower mandible.

Alular quills

Animals; Birds

Alular quills are three feathers attached to the alula originating from the base of the primaries. They are essential for low speed flight and aid in coordinated landing and take-off. See also Alula.

Alular quill coverts

Animals; Birds

Alular quill coverts are smaller feathers covering the quill of each flight feather. Each wing has primary, secondary and tertiary coverts based on the location of the feather.


Animals; Birds

The abdomen is the ventral part of the bird, homologous to the human stomach region (also called the belly). It is comprised of the area between the vent and the posterior sternum. A bird will sleep ...


Animals; Birds

The alula is a small joint on the bird's wing, similar to the human thumb, with three or four quill-like feathers attached. It is a necessity for low speed flight and maneuverability. The feathers ...

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